Severe storm

Mother Nature is unpredictable. However, we can count on her to throw a couple of hurricanes our way each June through November. If you have a commercial building, it’s always smart to be prepared.

Severe storms and hurricanes can cause extensive damage so it is crucial that you pay special attention to your roof as the season approached. Storms can take down trees or blow debris onto roofs. Unrelenting rains can overwhelm drains, gutters, and downspouts, especially when they are not clear of debris. Shingles, seams, and flashing details can break free depositing rainwater into the building.

Here is what you need to know about getting through the severe weather and hurricane season. Is your roof ready?

The Hurricane Damage

Hurricane Laura Path

There are hurricanes every year in the U.S. Some bring nothing more than heavy rain and higher than average winds, while others cause destruction that can turn your world upside down. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicted in May that the 2020 Atlantic Storm Season would be markedly more severe than typical. They have since, adjusted there forecast predicting a greater number of “named storms” in 2020 than ever before. This is not good news for property owners in Atlantic coastal areas.

The Importance of Preparation

The best defense against damage to your property from extreme weather events is preparation. The Atlantic Hurricane Season occurs from June 1st to November 30th, every year. Peak season for hurricanes is early to mid-September. You are running out of time, but it is not yet too late to schedule a maintenance visit by a roofing professional to prepare your building for extreme weather. During a roof maintenance visit, technicians will clear debris from drains and gutters and will address any deficiencies in the roof system and details. If significant issues are identified, the technicians will provide a permanent repair recommendation for your consideration. While not a guarantee, by performing preventative maintenance you are giving your roof the best chance of successfully weathering the next storm.

Trees blowing due to storm

Throughout storm season, it is also crucial to put eyes on your roof after every weather event. With solid before and after evidence of the condition of your property will you be able to more easily convince your insurance company to support a storm damage claim.

Preparation can also involve the budget. It is smart to have a multi-year budget that covers severe storm preparation as well as possible damage repair. As you are likely are entering budget season, be sure to consider the effects that severe storms can have on your building, and budget accordingly.

Worried your roof might not be ready for the next major storm? Schedule a maintenance call or inspection with Innovative Roofing Group today! Call 404-594-6038 or send us an email for more information.